13 May, 2022
Review of Level 1 and Level 2 Learning Programmes
The National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (NCCA) has been requested by the Minister for Education, Norma Foley TD, to develop follow-on programmes for students currently studying Level 1 and Level 2 Learning Programmes (L1/L2LPs) in junior cycle. To commence this process, we will conduct a review of the L1LPs/L2LPs in junior cycle. We would also like to learn more from schools about the curricular provision that they may be offering to students in senior cycle who followed L1LPs/L2LPs in junior cycle.
Invitation to Schools
We are inviting expressions of interest from schools to participate in the school-based component of the review. All principals have been mailed information regarding how to apply to be a part of the review. The deadline for online expression of interest is 3pm on the 25th of May 2022. It is envisaged that the school visit will take place in September 2022.