More about Phase 2
Phase 2 of the initiative aimed to capture the experience of teachers beginning to work with coding and computational thinking in their classrooms. Work also focused on understanding the potential benefits of teaching coding and computational thinking and physical computing (tangible coding) through a playful and project-based pedagogical approach.
Informed by Phase 1, Phase 2 involved 25 additional schools that had not yet introduced coding and computational thinking in their classrooms.
The second phase of the initiative took place between May 2018 and February 2019.
Teachers participating were not a familiar with or had not taught coding and/or computational thinking in their classrooms before.
25 schools were selected and included urban DEIS, rural DEIS, scoil sa Ghaeltacht, Gaelscoil, school with special classes, small rural, and large urban.
Classes ranged from junior infants to sixth class in a variety of multi-grade and single grade rooms.