Catholic Primary Management Association
Childcare Committees Ireland (CCI)
Clare County Childcare Committee
Competition and Consumer Protection Commission
Conradh na Gaeilge
Dr Róisín Ní Ghairbhí
Early Childhood Ireland
Equality and Diversity Early Childhood National Network (EDeNn)
Fighting Words and Graffiti Theatre Company
Foras na Gaeilge
Froebel Department of Primary & Early Childhood Education, Maynooth University
Gael Linn
Irish Aid, Department of Foreign Affairs
Irish National Teachers’ Organisation
Irish Primary Principals' Network (IPPN)
National Cancer Control Programme
National Childminding Development Officer Team DECDIY_CCCs
National Council for Special Education (NCSE)
OMEP Ireland
Pavee Point Traveller and Roma Centre
PDST Foireann na Gaeilge
PDST Primary Health and Wellbeing Team
PDST Primary Languages Team
PDST Primary Literacy Team
PDST Primary STEM Team
Prof Conor Mc Guckin and Catriona Hodgers (PhD Researcher)
Westmeath County Childcare Committee
Yellow Flag Programme, by the Irish Traveller Movement